Friday, 2 October 2015

Textual analysis-rock sound mazagine

Rock sound's audience has a medium age of 21.So it mostly attracts the target audience of teenagers from 15-21. This magazine contains a lot of information in music,fashion,gaming,film and technology sectors within the magazine. 78% of the audience of the rock sound magazine mainly discover new music and trends. This magazine has been the voice for over 12 years, which shows how many people are into this magazine as it allows the target audience to know more about what is happening within the rock music industry (giving information about upcoming singles,albums and etc). The magazine trys to provide the best by letting music bands know and get access to the best new bands and the biggest names on the scene alike.The images of the magazine rock sound is mainly medium shot and the framing is quite bordered, the lighting of the front cover is quite bright as this could allow the audience to be more aware about the artists and other artists within the category. So, the audience know more about the music that the artist is releasing. The mast head of the front cover is very effective as the font style of it is very big and graphic. So, it would attract the younger audience and more people would want to read it. As, the use of the mast head would stand out. The cover lines and use of pull and close quotes are highly effective as they mainly contain of lyrics of the artist's new single or line from their music or words of which they say when they are being interviewed . The sky line indicates what would be in the magazine such as other bands or artists. Puffs are used to give an emphasis of the inside details of the magazine. The relationship between the image and the text is that it lets the audience know about what is happening or what is mentioned within the rock magazines(the artists mentioned,singles,tours,concerts and etc).The tone used in this magazine is casual and not so formal because the use of the language of the magazine is meant to attract a younger audience. Therefore, formal language wont be used or it wouldn't be attracted to teenagers. The group mentioned in this magazine is a rock band called sleeping with sirens and this is meant to let rock music fans know about their music. This could connote how more music fans are into this band as they are the front cover. This helps with my layout and structure of the magazine as it would contain a lot of information which would be useful towards the readers as it would include informal language(mainly slang term to appeal to the readers.

1 comment:

  1. Again, rather general analysis of the magazine. Please can you this time use contents page as well (you have selected cover and DPS) and split your analysis so you look at the cover, contents page and DPS in detail. Follow advice from other case study and use the brief. See me if you need help.
